Friday, December 31, 2010

2011...A New Year, will it be a New You??

Well, folks....its officially 2011!!! Its sooo exciting to celebrate when a new year comes around. Often times we plan parties, trips, and/or social events to ring in the new year. New outfit, new makeup, new hair style all to make the celebration memorable. Resolutions are made....everyone is excited about the NEW YEAR!!

So then its January 2nd ...and the same problems, mess, drama, and obstacles that we "so called" left in the previous year are still present in the new year. Its a new year, new day, new grace & mercies....yet we brought the "old" us into the new year. And wonder why we are still unhappy (hmmm....).

I challenge everyone to bring a new you into the new year. Change your mentality. Add positivity and gratefulness into your daily life. Just those things will make such a difference. Be more self-less. Service is the rent we pay for living....its a blessing to be a blessing. Spread more love and encouragement. There are sooo many people hurting and searching for encouragement & realness. Actions speak louder than make sure your walk matches your talk.

Life is too short to let negativity bring us down or waste our time! Enjoy life. Enjoy family. Enjoy the "new" you. Plant a new seed this year (season) that a new and improved harvest will be ready to reap. Let the past be the past! Ask God to change you instead of your circumstances. Declare more wisdom, strength, understanding, and an increase of faith in your everyday walk.

So all of you reading this....HAPPY 2011!!! The ball has dropped....champagne bottles have been popped...the couples have kissed....the music is playing....NEW YOU in the NEW YEAR!!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Celebration of Change

One thing in life that is definitely going to happen is CHANGE!! It's certainly inevitable, yet necessary. 2011 is soon approaching & lately I have been thinking about the change that it will bring. Although often times we look at change as a bad thing, but it can certainly be just as positive. I believe change molds us into the individuals that we are.

Remaining in our "comfort zones" or waiting for someone else to try it first ...does not get us far. We only get one life so why not live it to the fullest. Many of us have not had anything change in our lives in a very very long time. Many of us are used to the monotonous way of life, and receiving the same results. Don't you get so tired of people talking about what they want, but never put in the work to get it. It's obvious that they are scared of the outcome, the rejection, or the work it involves.There comes a point when you have to just be the catalyst, and go for it.

However, there are some of us who tried to incorporate change in our lives or even had an unexpected changed happen...and did not like the results. So then came regret, frustration, depression, and resentment. I believe that even the "bad" change is just a preparation for a blessing that is on its way. Its so easy to fall victim to the negative thinking when things do not go our way. Therefore, we never attempt anything "new" again...and revert back to living a "blah" life.

My solution is to embrace change. Life is all about change. Without change, you don't see growth. Be that person who stepped out on faith, put in the work, and is reaping a great harvest. God won't put more on you than you can bear, and He says in His Word that all things are possible through Him. So when the ball drops and the clock strikes 12am on New Year's morning ...remember to ring in the New Year with a CELEBRATION OF CHANGE!!!!